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Vasar Huineo's "The Starving Heart" - An Effective Opening In Just Seven Sentences · 5:03pm Jan 14th, 2021

TThe Starving Heart
A stallion cheats on his wife. He does not wish to, but he must.
Vasar Huineo · 2.2k words  ·  87  0 · 1.2k views

I stumbled upon this fanfic a couple months ago, as it was recommended by a post from Seattle's Angels. It's a fairly decent fic, concise and well-rendered given its premise, but what struck me the most was how it opened itself up to the reader.

Here, in full, is the opening:

My wife and I have a ritual. It goes like this:

I tell the truth.

"I love you."

And then she lies.

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